
The browser extension framework

View the Project on GitHub exteranto/exteranto.github.io

Getting Started
Directory Structure
Application Configuration

Your First Exteranto

Browser Extension Basics
Handling the IOC Container
Typed Message Passing
Service Providers

Browser Extension Basics

Standard Extension Architecture

  1. manifest.json (FF, CHR) is the only required file for an extension. The main purposes of the manifest are as follows:
    • specify extension metadata, e.g. name, version, locale etc.
    • point to core files, e.g. background, content_scripts, devtools_page, options and bundled web_accessible_resources
    • assert permissions on browser APIs and other resources, urls etc. e.g. storage, tabs, bookmarks, https://*/*
    • declare UI elements e.g. browser_action icon
  2. Content (FF, CHR): Depending on the correct permissions being specified in manifest.json (both under permissions and under content_scripts.*.matches fields), the content scripts (.js or .css) are loaded into and executed within the context of a given web page. They have access to the DOM and as such can read and manipulate the existing HTML. These scripts can dispatch XHRs. In order to interact with most other browser APIs/resources or with other extension elements (e.g. to tell them about certain DOM elements present) they must usually communicate via the intermediary of a background script, through message passing (see below). In order to communicate with a page <script> (or vice-versa) the window.postMessage() API must be used.

    Note: content script loading is limited to a specified url e.g. https://www.example.com, but we can widen the permission using wildcards, as in https://*/*

  3. Background (FF, CHR): The background script(s) (.js, or a single .html background page) are loaded into and executed within the browser environment. They access most of the browser APIs (depending on their permissions as specified in manifest.json) and can listen to browser events etc. Background scripts tend either to run for an extended duration in order to maintain state or to serve as a semi-dormant event handler. They are provided their own window for DOM access (with limitations) and can dispatch XHRs. The background scripts cannot interact directly with a loaded webpage, but must act via a content script that they load into that page context. This communication is via asynchronous ‘message passing’ with either side registering message listeners to trigger actions on receipt (FF, CHR).

  4. UI Elements: Possible UI items include
    • ‘browser action’: the clickable icon in the browser toolbar - an .html popup may be specified in the manifest
    • ‘context menus’: the user may want to interact with page items etc. via a dropdown menu on right mouseclick
    • a keyboard shortcut
    • page elements (popups, iframes etc.) defined and injected by the extension content script itself
    • interactive items in the browser ‘devtools’ panel (a devtools.html script must be registered)
  5. Options: An options page should allow extension users to specify certain preferences and choose extension settings.

Running Extensions Locally

During development, the extension can be loaded from a local folder or file (in case of Firefox) for testing. The process is very similar for Chrome and Firefox.



Useful Resources