
The browser extension framework

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Getting Started
Directory Structure
Application Configuration

Your First Exteranto

Browser Extension Basics
Handling the IOC Container
Typed Message Passing
Service Providers

Handling the IOC Container

The IOC container is the heart of Exteranto. It provides an easy and convenient way to handle your services and their dependencies. When using TypeScript, Exteranto delivers a set of TypeScript decorators that let you bind and resolve dependencies from the container on a single line while retaining flexibility.

Basic Example

// MyService.ts
import { Singleton } from '@exteranto/core'

export class MyService {
  // Service implementation...
// DependentService.ts
import { MyService } from './MyService'
import { Autowired } from '@exteranto/core'

export class DependentService {
  private service: MyService

The example defines a MyService dependency to the container in the singleton scope and the later in the DependentService, it is resolved using the @Autowired decorator. No arguments are required for the decorator as it looks at the class field type while resolving a dependency.

Binding Dependencies to the Container

There are three main ways to bind dependencies to the container. We shall discuss all three in this chapter.

Via the Container Class & Service Providers

The most straightforward way to define dependencies to the container is to use the Container class itself. It provides the bind<T> method that accepts the dependency constructor and returns a Dependency<T> instance. Further configuration can be attached to the dependency using the Dependency<T> interface.

See the whole Dependency<T> interface in Exteranto API Reference.

import { MyService } from './MyService'
import { Container } from '@exteranto/core'


To avoid the Container.getInstance() call, the package provides a @Self property decorator that resolves the current container instance and assigns it to the decorated class property.

import { MyService } from './MyService'
import { Container } from '@exteranto/core'

export class Provider {
  private container: Container

  public bindMyService () : void {

The standard way to define dependencies (this is especially useful when building a separate package) is to use a service provider. Service providers are classes that are specified in the application configuration. Exteranto executes these classes on application boot and provides essential services like the container instance to the provider methods.

Read more on Service Providers and Application Configuration.

import { MyService } from './MyService'
import { Provider } from '@exteranto/core'

export class AppProvider extends Provider {
  public boot () : void {
    // The boot method usually binds dependencies to
    // the container. Note that the container instance
    // is automatically available on the provider class.

Via Class Decorators

Exteranto provides a set of class decorators that make binding dependencies to the container a piece of cake. There are two annotations, and the only difference is the scope that the dependency is bound in. Either @Singleton to bind a service in a singleton scope or @Binding.

Note that, however, these decorators are convenient to use, it is discouraged to use them in standalone packages to prevent container pollution. Packages should define their functionalities in service providers.

import { Singleton } from '@exteranto/core'

export class MyService {

Resolving Dependencies from the Container

Via the Container Class

The Container class itself provides a resolve<T> method that tries to resolve a dependency from the container. It takes in the service constructor and returns an instance.

Note that while this approach is perfectly okay, property decorators should be your go-to option for resolving dependencies. Not only do they provide a clean syntax, but they also support good practices and object-oriented code structure.

import { MyService } from './MyService'
import { Container } from '@exteranto/core'

const service: MyService = Container

console.assert(service instanceof MyService)

Via Property Decorators

Property decorators should be the go-to way to resolve dependencies in Exteranto. There are two basic decorators.

import {
} from '@exteranto/core'

class MyService {

class MyServiceWithConstructor {
  constructor (private type: string) {

class Dependant {
  private mySerivce: MySerivce

  private myOtherService: MyServiceWithConstructor

Container Parameters

Exteranto also allows you to bind parameters to the container. This is achieved either via the application configuration file (which is also the prefered way) or via the Container’s bindParam method.

These parameters can then be resolved using the Container.resolveParam<T> method or the @Param<T> property decorator.

Read more on Application Configuration.

import { Container } from '@exteranto/core'

  .bindParam('version', '1.0.0')

// Resolve via `resolveParam<T>`.
const version: string = Container

// Resolve via the `@Param<T>` decorator.
class MyService {
  private version: string

Advanced Functionality

Although the basic funcionality is often sufficient, some edge cases require the container to be more flexible. That’s why the container has various advanced features like binding to a superclass, service tagging, and resolving dependencies as an Optional<T>.

Binding to a Superclass

Exteranto’s IOC Container allows you to bind dependencies to a superclass. This allows to switch implementations in the application if the new implementation extends the same superclass. Consider the following example:

Note that you cannot bind a dependency to an interface in TypeScript as all interfaces are removed at compilation.

import { Container } from '@exteranto/core'

abstract class Storage {
  abstract get<T> (key: string) : T
  abstract set<T> (key: string, value: T) : void

class LocalStorage extends Storage {
  get<T> (key: string) : T {
    // Implemetation...

  set<T> (key: string, value: T) : void {
    // Implemetation...

// Now we can bind the concrete implementation
// to the abstract superclass.

  Container.resolve<Storage>(Storage) instanceof Storage

Note that subsequent bindings to the same superclass override the previous binding. If you want to be able to swap implementations dynamically, consider tagging the bindings.

Browser-dependant & Tagged Services

As previously noted, binding a new implementations to the same superclass overrides the previously bound implementation. To avoid this behaviour, one has to differentiate the implementations by either tagging each one of them or by binding them to a specific browser. In the following example, we have a service that behaves differently in each browser. Exteranto automatically resolves the current instance based on the environment.

import { Container, Browser } from '@exteranto/core'
// Three different implementations of the
// `Service` superclass.
import {
} from '...'

// Now we can bind the implementations to the
// abstract superclass based on the browser
// environment.



Resolving Optional Dependencies

Exteranto provides a convenient way of resolving dependencies that might not be present in the container via the resolveOptional container method. This method always resolves and instance of Optional<T>. If the binding is present, the optional is Some<T>, otherwise it is None<T>. No exceptions are thrown in the process.

import { Service } from '...'
import { Container, Optional } from '@exteranto/core'

const service: Optional<Service> = Container

  typeof service.isSome() === 'boolean'

Read more on the Optional<T> interface in the Exteranto API Reference.

Error Handling

If the desired dependency is not present in the container, the resolve method throws a DependencyNotFoundException. Similarly, the resolveParam method throws a ParameterNotFoundException. If you do not desire to throw an error when resolving a non-existent dependency, consider reading up on Resolving Optional Dependencies.